How to Add Google AdSense to Your WordPress Blog

WordPress Adsense

Google Adsense is the best way to earn from a website. If you get decent traffic on your blog, you can think of monetizing your WordPress blog using Google Adsense. After getting Google Adsense approval, you need to insert Google Ads to your blog to show ads. There could be multiple ways to inject Adsense code into your blog. You can either manually edit files or install a good plugin. In this article, I will tell you how to add Google AdSense to WordPress.

Google Adsense is a CPC ads service that shows ads of different advertisers on a website and rewards publishers with an ad revenue cut for ad clicks. If you have good traffic to your blog, you can earn a decent income from Adsense. As a full-time blogger, I have been earning well from Google Adsense. I also recommend bloggers try using Adsense. Now that you have decided to use Adsense, I will tell you how you can add Google Adsense ad codes to your WordPress blog.

Manually Place Google AdSense Ad Code in WordPress

After getting Google Adsense approval, you can create ad units for adding to your blog. In the manual placement, you decide where you put the ad unit to show ads. So, you can create an ad unit and get the ad code. Ads code for an ad unit will look something like this.

Google AdSense Ad Code in WordPress

Then you can edit different WordPress files including header.php, single.php, page.php, and sidebar.php to include ads in the header section, inside post, inside page, and sidebar respectively. Here’s a sample of manual ads placement in header.php file.

Add Google AdSense to Your WordPress Blog

This method requires technical skills, so I do not recommend manual ad placement.

To solve this, Google also introduced auto ads. You just need to insert the auto ads script in the header section. Google will randomly place ads at different places on your blog.

For adding a script to the header of your blog, you can install the plugin WPCode. After activating this plugin, you can add a script to the header of your blog. Google Site Kit is the official Google plugin for WordPress. This plugin helps you in integrating Analytics, Adsense, PageSpeed Insights, and Search console with Google. If you install and configure this plugin, it will automatically add the Google Adsense auto ads script to your blog.

Use WordPress Plugin to Insert AdSense Code in WordPress

There are a few good WordPress plugins that help you insert Google Adsense ads into your WordPress blog. Some of the notable Adsense plugins for WordPress are:

You can install any of these plugins to insert Google Adsense ads into your blog. These plugins let you add ad code at different places on your blog. Different places could be before the blog post, within the blog post, after the blog post, sidebar, header, and footer.

Wrap Up

This blog post wasn’t as detailed as I normally write but I tired to cover important things. For people who are new to WordPress and Adsense, I recommend the SiteKit plugin. It can be install and configured easily. Then use Auto ads to automatically place ads on your WordPress blog. Google uses machine learning to identify best performing ads spot to place ads.

If you are manually placing ads, 336×280 and 300×250 ad sizes work better. Now when websites use responsive device, you also need to create responsive ad units for better performance.


Deepanker Verma is an experienced WordPress developer who has been working on WordPress for more than 12 years. On TheWPGuides, he writes about WordPress, WordPress development, and WordPress plugins.

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